



Roy Villevoyeという写真家の展示をやっていた。パプア島にクラス人々の暮らしを収めたもので、


その後、ナショナル・ポートレート・ギャラリーに行き、「The World's Most Photographed」という展示をみる。

ケネディー大統領やヒットラーなど、その時代にスポットライトを浴びた、世界の有名人10 人の隠れた一面を、写真と文章で紹介していた。




As I needed some inspiration for my photography class, I visited thePhotographers' Gallery in Leicester Square.

It had an interesting air in this gallery.

There was an exhibition by a guy called Roy Villevoye about the life in Papua New Guinea.

He emphasized how the people in this island are secluded by the outside world in a 'quirky' way.

Afterwards, I went to the National Portrait Gallery to have a look at the exhibition called 'The World's Most Photographed'.

It was demonstrating interesting photographs of world's ten famous people who lived under the spotlight of the various era,

such as Audrey Hepburn, John F Kennedy,Gandhi, Hitler etc.

I was convinced how photography can become a powerful tool for propaganda.

And I finished my day off at the National Gallery, which stands next to the Portrait Gallery.

It was a day full of discoveries.

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1 year ago