

「電車の写真を撮ろうとしてるんですよ。写真を勉強していて、これが僕のテーマなんです」 と僕。

「あーなるほど。でも、もっと暖かな夜を選べば良かったのにねえ、頑張ってね」 だってさ。









'Excuse me, may I ask what exactly you are doing?', asked a lady walking her dog.

'I'm trying to take photographs of trains, I'm learning photography and this is my subject', explained I.

'Oh, I see, but you could have chosen a warmer night, good luck!', and she was gone.

From nine o'clock at night, went to a nearby field to take photos for my coursework.

My subject is the 'moving train'; there are various reasons for this.

For one, the subject moves in a predictable manner, i.e. on a rail track at a fixed time, this enables me to take control of the situation.

Secondly, the subject is sufficiently challenging to photograph; this enables me to show progression in my phography skills,

which is one of the critical grading points for Unit 1 coursework.

Tonight's result was simply horrible.

I should have planned more in advance; i.e. what kind of settings to use (e.g. shutter speed, use of flash, F-value, techniques).

And perhaps I'll need to get a copy of the train schedule next time, so that I don't have to get irritated waiting for a train!

And that lady was right, lets choose a warmer night!

Photography can be harsh sometimes.

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1 year ago