04/07/11 夜、小腹が空いたので、教会の金先生から頂いた、 本場韓国のキムチを食べる。 これは、目から火が出る程の辛さだが、 やはり本場だけあって甘い! ただ、甘いと思えるのは、最初だけで、 あまりの辛で、次第に何を食べているのだか分からなくなる。 やはり本場は違うなあ! I came home late. As I was hungry, I tried out this kimchi, which I purchased from Kim-sensei, our church pastor. It's a real Korean kimchi; it taste really good, goes very well with rice. But gradually, my tongue went numb as it was so hot, in the end, I couldn't taste anything! It's the real stuff. Yesterday   Tomorrow 1 year ago 2 years ago 3 years ago 4 years ago 5 years ago 6 years ago 7 years ago