12/07/11 世間が節電ムードで、残業を減らす方向に動いているが、 M&Aの世界はそんなものは関係ないとも言わんばかりに、 残業の日々が続いている。 今日も12時過ぎに帰宅。 中央特快に乗ってしまったので、途中中野駅で降りたら、 本の自動販売機が置いてあった。 なんでもあるなあ。 Whilst the majority of Japanese companies are trying to save electricity by working less hours, the world of M&A seems to be completely detached from the rest of the society. I came home after midnight again. I had to get off at Nakano as I got on the "super-rapid" train which doesn't stop at my local station. As I was waiting for the train, I found this vending machine that sells books. Interesting. Yesterday   Tomorrow 1 year ago 2 years ago 3 years ago 4 years ago 5 years ago 6 years ago 7 years ago