

夜、Department of Social Securityから電話がある。明日、National Insurance Number取得のための、インタビューをしてくれるとのことだ。しかし、

From 10:00, had a Econometrics tutorial and learned how to use 'E-view' software.  It allows me to create various graphs and calculate all the
 different things you can think of, of which I have not the slighted idea of their meaning.  From 14:00, had a lecture on finanical accounting. 
Dr Illias, the professor we had since last year is quire popular among the girls, but not quite among the boys, I noticed.

In the evening, got a call from DSS, telling me I have an interview tomorrow for acquring the national insurance number.  Why do British people
 have to be so abrupt? be it my store manager or this govermental department, they never seem to care about my schedule... Anyway, I had to
 phone up Panna for preparing me a emplyoment letter by tomorrow, and I have to get a prove of enrollement letter from Uni as well.  I've been
 waiting for this interview for so long, I hope all goes well...

Yesterday   Tomorrow