



Ministry of Truth, Ministry of Peace, Ministry of Love, Ministry of Plentyという四つの政府機関によって完全に統治されている。








Finally finished reading George Orwell's 'Nineteen eighty-four'.

It was published in 1949 and the author writes about the future of Britain and the world.

In 1984, the world will be divided into three countries and the Oceania, where the story takes place,

is governed by four state departments; Ministry of Truth, Ministry of Peace, Ministry of Love and Ministry of Plenty.

The poplulation is divided into three class, and the proletarians, the lowest of all, is always under watch.

Although the people are in a miserable state, they do not riot or revolt, since they have nothing to compare

their situation with the better state in the past or in another countries.

People's creativity is gradually being destroyed by the new language New Speak, which uses considerably fewer words to describe.

The past only exist in human minds, as books are constantly altered in favour of the government.

Winston, the protagonist, realises this state and he conspires to overthrow the government,

but gets caught in the end and his thoughts were made to change through torture.

After reading this book, I shuddered thinking that I would never want to live in this kind of hopeless world,

but now I'm reassured as hope will be there anywhere and anytime.

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