
朝 通勤電車の中でいつも感心させれることがある。満員電車の中で新聞を読むジャパニーズ・サラリーマンだ。
新聞を丁寧に縦折りして読むテク ニックは、是非習得したいと思って、部屋で練習してみたが、無理だ。

 会社でオーストラリア人とハー フ・イギリス人の人とランチを食べた。


One of the things that impress me every morning is the way Japanese people can read news papers in a fully packed train.
They have this skill of neatly folding the newspaper vertically, and reading one quarter of a page at a time. 
I practiced it in my room, but I couldn’t do it so well; doing it inside the packed train seems almost impossible. 

I had lunch with quite a few people today; two of them were Japanese, one was Australian and another was half Japanese and half British. 
They  gave me some good advice about work in general.
Everybody said they were bored in the first few weeks, which reassured me.

The Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo abruptly resigned today. 

1 year ago
2 years ago
3 years ago